This Photoshop dodge and burn tutorial will show you a quick and easy way to add depth to your images. I’ll show you a super simple Photoshop dodge tool that makes using luminosity masks effortless.


In this video, I walk through dodging and burning basics using a photo of an Alaskan mountainside. I want to draw the viewer’s eyes into the frame by accentuating areas that are already well lit by the sun. Remember, dodging is when you lighten select areas of your image, whereas burning, just like burning a piece of wood, makes those areas darker.



The best way I’ve found how to dodge and burn in Photoshop CC is using a dodge and burn tool called Lumenzia. Creator Greg Benz has made this fantastic tool to assist photographers in creating quick and easy luminosity masks which act like a stencil when you’re dodging and burning photos in Photoshop. You can download it here:


3 Easy Steps To Photoshop Dodge And Burn Success


1. Choose a Luminosity selection from Lumenzia

I start by choosing a Lights 1 selection from the Lumenzia panel. This gives us a good starting point to use as a stencil, which will help us stay within the highlights we want to target when we use our Photoshop paintbrush.


2. Refine the luminosity mask using the Global Levels adjustment

Before we start painting, we use the Global Levels adjustment that’s built into the Lumenzia grouped layer that’s created for us to fine tune our luminosity mask. I just drag the the Blacks slider a little to the right to hone in on the selection I want.


3. Sample and choose a Dodging color to paint

Now take a color sample from one of the areas we want to dodge. In the Photoshop Color Picker, we adjust our paint color to be brighter and more saturated than our sample color. Now we’re ready to paint on our image. We simply adjust our brush size and keep a middle-of-the-road opacity. Then  And then we begin painting on those areas of our image we want to accentuate. It’s as easy as that!


Photoshop dodge and burn tutorial - how to add depth


  Pro Tip:

Use A drawing Tablet To Dodge And Burn In Photoshop

Discover the difference of using natural pressure sensitivity like an artist. It will change the way you post process!



How Do You Dodge And Burn Photoshop Images?

Now that you’ve seen how I like to dodge and burn landscape photos in Photoshop, what do you think? Is there a way you find that’s even easier than this? If so, let the Schubert Photography community know in the comments below.

Last update on 2025-03-20 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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